Studio Asterism
Based in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Founding date:
September 1, 2010
Press / Business contact:
Discord: Reilaos
Studio Asterism is a studio dedicated to creating VR games with mechanics not seen anywher else.
Early historyStudio Asterism's first foray into unique mechanics came in the form of In Sheep's Clothing, a puzzle platformer in which the player must safely escort an NPC who is deathly afraid of the player character. The game turned the idea of an escort quest on its head whiel exploring the ideas of emotional manipulation.
VR ExperimentationShortly after the release of the HTC Vive, the studio found a niche to fill: mechanics for moving around and interacting in VR. They made splashes in the VR Subreddit with the "Hamster Ball", dragon flight, gesture recognition, and hammer flight experiments.
Experimentation to Full VR GameWith the positive reaction to these experiments, Studio Asterism turned towards turning these toy examples into a full game. Thus came the creation of WyVRn, a game with a universe which could accomodate magical flight, dragon riding, and magic casting. It has spent some time in Steam Early Access, as mechanics have been fleshed out, levels were created, and worlds and characters were built.
Trailer for WyVRn YouTube
VR Locomotion Experiment for Marionette YouTube
First VR locomotion experiment for hamster ball movement YouTube
Hammer VR Locomotion Experiment YouTube
There are far more images available for Studio Asterism, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
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Selected Articles
- "WyVRn developer [Studio Asterism] recently showcased this frankly terrifying new form of VR locomotion which allows you to whirl a hammer and lift off just like everyone's favorite Norse Avenger, Thor."
- Jamie Feltham, Upload VR
Additional Links
Hamster ball, a locomotion method no one asked for
The first popular experiment by the studio. reddit.com.
Thor/Helicopter VR Locomotion: An irresponsible use of your wrist straps
A much more dangerous predecessor to one of the locomotion methods in WyVRn. reddit.com.
Team & Repeating Collaborator
Francis Rei L. Israel
Programmer, Arist, Writer, Composer
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks